Risks from deglobalization are greater for Canada than its peers. Building Back Better with a focus on Countering Deglobalization presents opportunities for Canada. This analysis provides a situational overview and offers 4 policy ideas on migration and [...]
Canada should make four commitments on international development immediately. This analysis provides an updated state-of-play, and makes the case for Canada to: Preserve and codify recent additions in the IAE base; Lead support for the IMF’s Mobilizing with Africa 2 deliverables; Enhance [...]
The recent, September 23, Throne Speech, offers a significant opportunity to meaningfully stimulate Canada’s support for development. It is incumbent on the sector, especially in the period out to the Fall fiscal update, to push the government to follow up its words with action in the form of a [...]
This report presents Canadian International Development Platform and Engineers Without Borders Canada submission to Global Affairs Canada's international climate finance [...]
This analysis updates our past work on climate-related development finance (CRDF). First, we outline the broad contours of the CRDF space. Second, we analyze Canada’s CRDF portfolio in greater depth, focusing on two key areas: the increasing use of debt instruments; and the overlap between gender [...]
COVID-19 has had widespread impacts in terms of slowdowns across a range of sectors. This analysis aims to quantify the slowdown in international development project starts and GAC [...]
This analysis compares development spending for three countries – Canada, Ireland, and Norway – that are competing for the two available rotational UN Security Council (UNSC) seats, the outcome of which will start to emerge after June [...]
This analysis is the third in a series on risks to development outcomes stemming from donor response to the COVID-19 crisis. We argue that there is a high probability that the crisis will cause a fragmentation of donor programming portfolios and that this fragmentation typically favors multilateral [...]
In this analysis we outline second and third-order risks to development stemming from donor's response to the crisis. We hypothesize that the risks to development spending are longer term and independent of the significant temporal uncertainty, because the crisis is already long and deep enough to [...]
This analysis, the first in a series, outlines projected effects of COVID-19 on global economic growth, trade, investment, and remittances, and global poverty reduction, before providing a specific outlook on Canadian economic [...]
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