Analyzing the FIAP commitment to ensure that “no less than 50% of bilateral ODA is allocated to countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by 2021-22”. Does the target make sense? Is it ambitious? How does it relate to what we know about the changing geography of poverty and need? [...]
Canada's new aid policy and framework does more than re-orient Canada towards feminist international assistance. It also re-defines where Canada’s international assistance will be allocated and how Canada understands aid [...]
As a group, fragile states have lagged behind other developing countries in the achievement of many MDG targets, including those pertaining to maternal and newborn child health (MNCH). Aniket Bhushan and Rachael Calleja take a look at MNCH spending by region between 2010 - 2015. [...]
Is ODA/GNI a good measure of donor effort? What is it good for? And what other ways might we measure fiscal effort on development more directly? [...]
Rachael Calleja examines whether merging formerly autonomous aid agencies into larger foreign affairs ministries and bureaucracies leads to administrative efficiency and lower costs. [...]
This paper is a primer on results-based approaches in development finance. It fills a gap in the availability of basic, accessible information on results-based approaches. [...]
The aim of this brief is to summarize key messages from a forthcoming research paper, “Paying for Impact: Results-based Approaches in Development Finance, Situating Canadian Efforts in a Global Context”. This paper is a primer on results-based approaches in development finance. It fills a gap [...]
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