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Financing Global Health: Muskoka and MNCH

Use this dashboard to analyze Canada’s contribution to global health. The mainstay of Canada’s contribution is through the Muskoka Initiative and other Maternal and Newborn Child Health (MNCH) spending.


This data has recently been updated, in June 2015. All of the functionality in terms of accessing and interacting with the data remains the same.


Data delivered through the interactive view above draw directly from DFATD open data specifically on MNCH, as well as on wider project level aid spending.

The data indicate that by 2014-15, 109% of the total commitment ($2.85 billion from 2010 to 2015) had been spent, or around $3.12 billion. This include $1.99 billion in continued or ‘baseline’ funding, and $1.13 billion in new Muskoka Initiative spending.

Canada exceeded its stated spending commitment to MNCH (hence 109%) by $273 million.

Children and youth, followed by food security, are the main thematic priorities within the initiative.

Muskoka MNCH spending by region over the total commitment time frame (2010 to 2015). Click figures to view details:

How to use the data

The interactive view is split into two panels. The main explorer (default view above) and the details sheet which can be populated by making selections via the main explorer.

Hovering over country circles, or bar graphs, provides spending details. Selection options are given to drill down further into country or region specific details.

Selecting this link switches to the detailed view. Here additional details are provided at the country or regional level, using project level data. These include the types of partner organizations delivering projects, the names of key organizations, project numbers and titles, by project sector and amount spent.

Given the size of the data it is not possible to share a flat file for the entire database, however data can be freely extracted from the dashboard using the “Download” options, to export directly to Excel, as an image file, or PDF.


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