Quick overview of recently updated comparative aid statistics from the OECD-DAC. [...]
Submission and remarks on Budget Implementation Act, Bill C-86 (Part 4, Division 17) – Official Development Assistance prepared for the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance [...]
Canada on the Global Stage: Where to Next?, a data-driven guide to evaluating political promises as we head into the 2019 federal election [...]
Key questions stakeholders should ask of Canada's new $300 million Equality Fund to increase gender equality [...]
The Trudeau government has raised expectations that it will advance gender equality, especially during its G7 presidency. Here’s how its latest initiative can make an impact and empower women [...]
Quick overview of recently updated comparative aid statistics from the OECD-DAC. [...]
A look at what it would take to position Canada as leader on the global stage, especially with regards to development funding, and how Budget 2018 measured [...]
Timing makes this a “nothing” budget — it is too far away from the next election (October 2019) to announce major new spending or directions. We expect it will be a combination of touting success and cautious optimism. It will no doubt contain the usual messaging on strengthening the middle [...]
"Blended finance" is a key emerging area in development finance. We take a deeper look at measurement and reporting issues, and leverage effects. [...]
"Blended finance" is a key emerging area in development finance. We make sense of it and share key resources. [...]
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