Foreign investment by Canadian corporations forms a key part of Canada’s engagement globally. In a globalized world FDI is a key driver of financing for development. Using this dashboard you can access trends over time in the stock of Canadian FDI [...]
Foreign aid is only one of the ways by which Canada engages with developing countries. This infographic compares foreign aid with other flows such as trade, investment and remittances, between Canada and developing countries. [...]
The first week of February is International Development Week. It is an opportunity to celebrate Canada’s efforts in alleviating poverty around the world, and also an opportunity to think about Canada’s role in international development in 2014 and [...]
Development organizations around the world are energized by the possibility of ending extreme poverty by 2030 thanks to dramatic reductions in global poverty over the last decade. What is getting left out of the discussion is the real lesson of the MDGs: When it comes to highbrow debates about [...]
This report provides an overview of Canada’s trade, investment and aid relations with Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. Canada’s foreign policy towards the region has focussed on the establishment and improvement of trade relationships, increased opportunities for Canadian [...]
Attention is starting to turn to how the ambitious post-2015 agenda will be financed. High expectations are being set for the role that domestic resource mobilization can play in financing the post-2015 development goals. This new NSI Report analyzes recent domestic resource mobilization [...]
This report presents findings from a mapping study on how different development cooperation actors, including multilateral development institutions, bilateral donors, development finance institutions, providers of South-South Development Cooperation (SSDC), foundations, non-governmental [...]
This report provides a sense of Canada’s development footprint beyond aid. It does this by drawing on data from The North South-Institute’s Canadian International Development Platform (CIDP) which comprises the most recent data on aid, trade, investment, and migrant remittance flows between [...]
This dashboard provides data and analysis on Canadian owned producing mines in Africa in 2011 and [...]
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