Natural Disasters and Canada's Humanitarian Relief Allocations (1999-2014). Data related to quantitative analysis on factors underpinning Canadian contributions to natural disasters. [...]
This post follows on our recent series on the Sustainable Development Goals and takes a look at what the incoming government has to offer. [...]
Interactive version of Canada's development footprint beyond aid infographic. Data on aid, trade, investment and remittance flows in comparative perspective. [...]
DFATD (Canada) and partners announced the launch of a new platform for blended finance at the #FFD3 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia [...]
Update on the emerging Financing for Development (FFD) agenda and processes, and Canadian perspectives surrounding the [...]
This paper is part of the UNRISD project on The Politics of Domestic Resource Mobilization (UNRISD 2012). Its specific contribution is with regards to the interaction between fiscal performance and donor aid allocation in developing [...]
Highlights from ongoing research presented at the 3rd International Open Data Conference May 28-29, 2015 in Ottawa. We are leveraging social big data generated by 467 official social feeds of the Gov of Canada, which span all Canadian overseas missions; over 3 million interactions (from Apr 2014 - [...]
This paper is a primer on results-based approaches in development finance. It fills a gap in the availability of basic, accessible information on results-based approaches. [...]
Looking at the size of aid, Canada’s rank as donor continues to fall. Is it all bad [...]
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