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Responding to the Changing Global Development Context

How Can Canada Deliver?

How Can Canada Deliver Cover

Responding to the Changing Global Development Context:
How Can Canada Deliver?

Published: June 2017

In our latest report, Responding to the Changing Global Development Context: How Can Canada Deliver?, we highlight key messages in areas that resonate strongly with Canada’s new strategy.

  • The landscape of development is changing, and so are the politics.
  • Leaving no one behind and focusing on the poorest presents new challenges and a new normal for donors.
  • Canada’s approach to risk and risk tolerance, and pragmatism about resources, time-frames and results are key factors that will determine the success of its feminist international assistance policy.
  • There is consensus on the need to go from billions to trillions in development finance, but the question is how. New mechanisms, like Canada’s development finance institution (DFI), can play a key role if they get their mandate and governance right.

Archived Conference Information:


An exchange of bold ideas for advancing Canada’s contribution to sustainable and inclusive development.

This conference will be a unique opportunity to tap into Canadian and international expertise on the future of development finance, innovations in gender programming, women’s empowerment, education, global health, and development in fragile states.

Download Agenda

Last Updated: April 28, 2017


Edward Hedger

Managing Director, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Dr. Eric Werker

Associate Professor, Strategy and International Business, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University (SFU)

Glen Hodgson

Senior Fellow, The Conference Board of Canada

Hetty Kovach

Senior Program Officer, International Development Finance, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Aniket Bhushan

Lead Analyst and Principal, Canadian International Development Platform (CIDP)

Dr. Annalisa Prizzon

Senior Research Fellow, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Ariane Ryan

Principal Consultant, Agoradev Consultants

Barbara Maclaren

Gender Specialist, The Conference Board of Canada

Dr. Bradley Parks

Executive Director, AidData

Catherine Blampied

Senior Research Officer, Development Finance, Overseas Development Assistance (ODI)

Chris Clubb

Managing Director, New Products and Knowledge, Convergence – Blending Global Finance

Dr. Dane Rowlands

Director, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA), Carleton University

Jennifer Holt

Chief Executive Officer, Building Markets

Karen Mundy

Chief Technical Officer, Global Partnership for Education

Khalil Z. Shariff

Chief Executive Officer, Aga Khan Foundation Canada

Lauren Ravon

Director of Policy and Campaigns, Oxfam Canada

Dr. Mark Sedra

President and Research Director, Canadian International Council (CIC)

Michelle McCombs

Deputy Director, Programs, Aga Khan Foundation Canada

Mikaela Gavas

Head of Programme – Development Strategy and Finance, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Nancy Smyth

Director General, Social Development, Global Affairs Canada (GAC)

Dr. Nilima Gulrajani

Senior Research Fellow, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Dr. Paddy Carter

Senior Research Fellow, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Dr. Prabhat Jha

Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Dr. Paul Samson

General Director, International Trade and Finance, Finance Canada

Dr. Richard Maclure

Full Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa

Rikia Saddy

Strategic Advisor and Author, Rikia Saddy Strategy

Rob Nabors

Director of Policy and Government Affairs, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Robert Greenhill

Executive Chairman, Global Canada Initiative

Dr. Valerie Percival

Assistant Professor of International Affairs, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA), Carleton University

Velma McColl

Managing Principal (Ottawa), Earnscliffe Strategy Group

Vincent Rigby

Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy, Global Affairs Canada (GAC)


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