Who is doing what and where? Explore project level aid spending, by country, across sectors, and types of implementing partners.
The data above allows analysis of Canadian aid spending at the project level. The data cover fiscal years 2005-06 to 2020-21. The data are drawn directly from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) open data sources including historical and project browser feeds, as well as from the OECD-DAC Creditor Reporting System.
Dashboard panels can be used to export data directly to Excel, as PDF or image files, using the “Download” options.
What the data show
At the aggregate level, the data indicate that GAC project level spending increased significantly from $4.9 billion in 2019-20 to $7.1 billion in 2020-21.
The share of aid projects being delivered through multilateral organisations is approximately 62%.
The share of Canadian non-profits in 2020/2021 has dropped to 15% from 20% in 2018/2019.
Assistance that targets emergency response comprises the largest share of GAC aid projects in 2020/2021, at 32%. This is nearly double the share compared to the previous year and is predominantly explained by the increase in funding to COVID-related projects. It is followed by the projects targeting government and civil society (28%) and health (14%).
How to use this data
The interactive view above presents a substantial amount of dis-aggregated data, and is therefore split in two panels; the main Explorer (default view) and the Data Sheet, which is populated by making selections using the main explorer.
Hovering over a country gives the option to click for country details, which switches the view to the more detailed data sheet, for the particular country, region or other selection made.
A set of drop down menus are provided to further navigate the Explorer. The data and view can be limited by a specific sector, by a class of organization delivering projects (e.g. civil society, multilateral etc) or location (Canadian or non-Canadian). Or by searching or selecting a specific organization by name.
Detailed data in the Data Sheet pane can be called up for any selection: a country, comparison of multiple countries, sector, type or location of partner organization.
More analysis and Updates
Raw data is available for download here: HPDS-2005-2020.zip (17.8mb)
More analysis of this data can be found in the opinion section or by clicking related posts in the side bar.
The data was last updated in April 2022, and the next update is expected in April 2023.
Quick question. Are the numbers in this database in Canadian, or American dollars? Suspect Canadian, but just wanted to check!
All figs in CAD$