This analysis looks at prospects to increase Canada's development spending at little to no cost to the taxpayer, based on new ODA rules related to private sector instruments and Canada's new DFI. [...]
Analysis of 2017-18 actual development spending, based on the Statistical Report released in March 2019. [...]
Submission and remarks on Budget Implementation Act, Bill C-86 (Part 4, Division 17) – Official Development Assistance prepared for the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance [...]
Takeaways from Nov 19 presentation and discussion by Eric Werker on Deals and Development: The Political Dynamics of Growth Episodes. [...]
Canada on the Global Stage: Where to Next?, a data-driven guide to evaluating political promises as we head into the 2019 federal election [...]
Violence against women and girls is a “global pandemic and a serious obstacle to sustainable development and economic prosperity for families, communities and states.” CIDP is proposing a data project to explore the economic nuances of these [...]
This report explores linkages between Canada’s investment in official development assistance (ODA) and Canadian trade with partner developing [...]
Praiseworthy rhetoric must be matched by relevant, innovative and increasing financial commitments to gender [...]
If Canada is to deliver on commitments to implement the recommendations of the Gender Equality Advisory Council, careful consideration needs to be given to the advantages and limitations of different approaches to promoting women’s economic empowerment around the [...]
Key questions stakeholders should ask of Canada's new $300 million Equality Fund to increase gender equality [...]
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