Violence against women and girls is a “global pandemic and a serious obstacle to sustainable development and economic prosperity for families, communities and states.” CIDP is proposing a data project to explore the economic nuances of these [...]
Quick overview of recently updated comparative aid statistics from the OECD-DAC. [...]
The nature and scale of humanitarian crises is changing. The protracted conflict in Syria, the forced exodus of the Rohingya in Myanmar, the shocking intensity of weather events – these are data points of a dramatically shifting world of crises. As the Canadian government places humanitarian [...]
Analysis of OECD-DAC data on amounts mobilized from the private sector by official development finance. [...]
Analysis of GAC development budget spending room. [...]
Analyzing Canada's turn to 'feminist international assistance' by unpacking the proposed targets and numbers. [...]
Analysis of G7 agendas, priorities and where development fares, since the last time Canada hosted the G7 in 2010 [...]
Quick overview of recently updated comparative aid statistics from the OECD-DAC. [...]
Analysis of 2016 ODA and ODA/GNI figures from the OECD-DAC April 2017 preliminary update. [...]
Analysis of 2015-16 actual development spending, based on the Statistical Report released in March 2017. [...]
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