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Measuring Progress Post-2015: An Assessment of Proposals

Published February 4, 2014

This report aims to contribute to post-2015 and data revolution discussions by providing an overview of the key themes arising from post-2015 proposals. In January 2013 The North-South Institute (NSI) launched its Post-2015 Tracking Tool, available through NSI’s Canadian International Development Platform.  The tool is an interactive aggregator of proposals on the post-2015 development agenda. This report provides thematic analysis of NSI’s dataset, identifying the issues that are gaining traction across post-2015 proposals and showcasing the types of data that are being sought to track development progress. It reveals that environment is the most prominent theme across the 77 proposals captured by the dataset, followed by health, education, and employment and inclusive growth.

Authors: Kate Higgins, Rebekka Bond and Shannon Kindornay

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