Natural Disasters and Canada's Humanitarian Relief Allocations (1999-2014). Data related to quantitative analysis on factors underpinning Canadian contributions to natural disasters. [...]
How need-based is Canadian humanitarian assistance? Kateryna Sherysheva reports the results from a quantitative study looking at factors driving humanitarian assistance from Canada. [...]
This post follows on our recent series on the Sustainable Development Goals and takes a look at what the incoming government has to offer. [...]
Rachael Calleja examines whether merging formerly autonomous aid agencies into larger foreign affairs ministries and bureaucracies leads to administrative efficiency and lower costs. [...]
On September 28, 2015, The Munk Centre will host Canada’s first ever federal election debate devoted to foreign policy issues. We can expect to see any number of key issues on the table – Canada’s track record on trade and investment, engagement in Syria, our approach to Palestine and Israel, [...]
Interactive version of Canada's development footprint beyond aid infographic. Data on aid, trade, investment and remittance flows in comparative perspective. [...]
Update on the emerging Financing for Development (FFD) agenda and processes, and Canadian perspectives surrounding the [...]
Recently updated data shows Canada exceeded its stated commitment to Muskoka and MNCH. [...]
Looking at the size of aid, Canada’s rank as donor continues to fall. Is it all bad [...]
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