The North-South Institute’s Post-2015 Tracking Tool is an interactive aggregator of proposals on the post-2015 development agenda. Organized thematically, the tool is a unique resource for tracking the goals, targets, and indicators that are being proposed to replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and support and monitor development progress beyond 2015.
The clear, quantifiable and time-bound nature of the MDGs, with goals, targets, and indicators by which progress can be measured, has been heralded as one of their most valuable features. It is likely that the post-2015 agenda will be framed in a similar way, but with a new set of priorities.
As a result, a number of proposals are being made on the priorities, and corresponding goals, targets and indicators, that should make up the post-2015 development framework. The North-South Institute’s Post-2015 Tracking Tool aggregates, visualizes and analyzes these proposals.
The Post-2015 Tracking Tool only covers proposals where specific goals, targets and indicators for the post-2015 framework are identified. In the September 2013 update, 77 proposals are included. As with the MDGs, proposals typically include goals (high level objectives and priorities), targets (target or level to aim for to make progress toward a goal in a specific time frame) and indicators (data by which progress towards targets will be measured).
Goals, targets and indicators across the 77 proposals consulted were coded into 16 themes. The size of the circle in the visualization represents the frequency of appearance of the theme across proposals. Each theme comprises a set of key issues. The frequency of appearance of these key issues is reflected in the bar graph.
Many of the proposals included have been accessed through the Overseas Development Institute’s Future Goals Tracker. NSI’s Post-2015 Tracking Tool is building on this initiative to thematically organize, analyze and visualize these proposals in an accessible and user-friendly way.
The analysis brief below provides more information about the tool, how it was put together and what we find.
Using the Data
Click on a theme to learn more about the specific goals, targets and indicators that are being proposed for that theme, and the issues that they cover.
In the spirit of data openness and transparency, all data featured in the Post-2015 Tracking Tool is freely available. Data can be downloaded in a range of formats by selecting the “Export” button at the bottom of each visualization or directly from the MS Excel spreadsheet below.
NSI-Post-2015-Tracking-Tool-Database-September-2013 (MS Excel)
NSI-Post-2015-Tracking-Tool-List-of-Proposals-September-2013 (PDF)
NSI-Post-2015-Tracking-Tool-List-of-Themes-and-Issues-Sep2013 (PDF)
Get Involved
Which proposals have we missed? What could make the tool better? How should the tool be used to contribute to the global post-2015 conversation? Do you want to collaborate with us? Comment here, or contact Kate Higgins at khiggins@nsi-ins.ca or on Twitter @katedhiggins.
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