Key Messages from the 2016 Data Report
- Canada has a great opportunity to provide principled leadership in the areas of sustainable development and shared prosperity on the global stage.
- The 2016 data report shows that engagement on development can no longer be confined to aid policy.
- Canada needs a development strategy that pursues specific yet holistic development objectives in a whole-of-government (and beyond) manner.
- A differentiated approach and more integrated strategy, as we recommend, would need to be anchored around credible increases to the IAE that link resource levels to global needs and Canada’s ambitions.
- In addition, improving policy coherence, closing data and information gaps, and updating Canada’s development toolkit will be important.
Download the Presentation
- Presentation made at Ottawa launch event, June 30, 2016.
- Key highlights from the 2016 data report, recommendations and policy ideas.
- Format: MS PowerPoint (7MB)
Corrections and change-logs; Request a hard copy
Please see this file for corrections since the first print run (version from June 30, 2016). All changes are made in the second print run. Any further corrections or other issues will be logged on this page. To request a hard copy of the report package please email us at: info [at] cidpnsi.ca.
Download the 2016 Data Report
Foreign Assistance
- Key trends and patterns in foreign assistance.
- How Canada compares with other donors on select measures including focusing on the poorest countries, fragile states, gender, contribution to humanitarian efforts etc.
International Trade
- Key trends and patterns in international trade, focusing on Canada’s trade with developing countries.
- How Canada performs on select measures including share of trade with developing countries, policy coherence from a development perspective, what Canada sells and buys from poorer developing countries, balance of trade, growth etc.
Migration and Remittances
- Key trends and patterns in migration and remittance flows, focusing on developing countries.
- How Canada performs on select measures including share of migrants coming from developing countries, type of migration (permanent vs. temporary), growth and trends, destination of remittance outflows, migrant integration policies etc.
Foreign Investment
- Key trends and patterns in foreign direct investment, portfolio (equity and debt) asset positions, focusing on developing countries.
- How Canada performs on select measures including share of investment in developing countries, net investment position with emerging economies, policy and institutional measures to stimulate further investment (such as the DFI).
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