On March 31, 2014, the Canadian International Development Platform (CIDP), an initiative of the former North-South Institute, and now housed at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA), organized a workshop in partnership with the Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) and Canadian [...]
The aim of this brief is to summarize key messages from a forthcoming research paper, “Paying for Impact: Results-based Approaches in Development Finance, Situating Canadian Efforts in a Global Context”. This paper is a primer on results-based approaches in development finance. It fills a gap [...]
Quick overview of recently updated comparative aid statistics from the OECD-DAC. [...]
Who is going what and where? Explore project level aid spending, by country, across sectors, and types of implementing partners. Visualize aid projects across sectors. Compare Canadian civil society implementing partners with foreign, or search activities of specific partner organizations. [...]
Maternal and newborn child health is Canada's main foreign aid priority. Track Canada's commitment to global health, through its Muskoka and MNCH financing. Data cover the ongoing $2.85 billion commitment (2010 - 2015) and the same framework will be extended to cover the expanded $3.5 billion [...]
This dashboard can be used to track development projects (near) real-time. The latest project launches, are organized by start date, budget, executing partner, country, description and expected [...]
The data presented consists of information pulled from the T3010 tax returns filed with Canada Revenue Agency by all registered Canadian charities. This dashboard can be used to explore and compare Canadian charities active internationally; by revenue, share of revenue from federal government, from [...]
We wondered what would happen if we overlaid Canada’s 2010-11 foreign aid map with data on corruption (from Transparency International) and recipient country regime type (from Freedom House). [...]
Globally, remittances sent home by migrant workers are estimated to be anywhere from 3 to 4 times aid flows. The two data dashboards above are aimed at providing a comparison between foreign aid flows from Canada and estimates of remittance outflows from Canada to the same [...]
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