Is there a link between Canadian exports and official development assistance? Results from an augmented gravity model, looking at Canadian exports and ODA to developing countries 1989-2015. [...]
Additionality remains one of the most confusing concepts in development finance. The need for a common understanding of additionality in the context of DFIs is highlighted by increasing interest in capturing private finance mobilized by official development finance in OECD-DAC reporting and [...]
Analysis of OECD-DAC data on amounts mobilized from the private sector by official development finance. [...]
Analysis of GAC development budget spending room. [...]
Analyzing Canada's turn to 'feminist international assistance' by unpacking the proposed targets and numbers. [...]
FAAE submission and remarks on Canada’s Development Finance Institution [...]
Analysis of G7 agendas, priorities and where development fares, since the last time Canada hosted the G7 in 2010 [...]
Quick overview of recently updated comparative aid statistics from the OECD-DAC. [...]
Analysis of 2016 ODA and ODA/GNI figures from the OECD-DAC April 2017 preliminary update. [...]
Analysis of 2015-16 actual development spending, based on the Statistical Report released in March 2017. [...]
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