This dashboard provides data and analysis on Canadian ODA disbursements to sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) projects (2010-2016).
This dashboard provides data and analysis on Canadian ODA disbursements to sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) projects (2010-2016).
Canadian ODA towards SGBV prevention and response from 2010-2016 amounts to USD$545 million. Since 2010 the value of these disbursements have increased 3-fold; USD$30 million in 2010 to USD$107 million in 2016.
There are 529 Canadian ODA SGBV prevention and response projects from 2010-2016. The number of projects has remained stable from 2013-2016.
Top 5 receiving regions of Canadian SGBV prevention and response ODA are as follows: South of Sahara (USD$199 million, 37%); Middle East (USD$153 million, 28%); North and Central America (USD$67 million, 12%); South and Central Asia (USD$41 million, 8%); and Europe (USD$27 million, 5%).
Top 5 receiving countries of Canadian SGBV prevention and response ODA are as follows: The Haiti (USD$51 million); Lebanon (USD$51 million); Iraq (USD$43 million); DRC (USD$37 million); and Jordan (USD$25 million).
Least developed countries receive USD$202 million in SGBV prevention and response (37%). Middle to upper middle income countries receive USD$156 million (29%) and lower middle income countries receive USD$108 million (20%).
Most SGBV prevention and response disbursements (54%) went towards the humanitarian aid sector (USD$292 million). The social infrastructure and services sector received USD$216 million (40%) of disbursements.
The top implementing partners of Canadian disbursements toward SGBV prevention are as follows: UNHCR (USD$162 million); UNICEF (USD$69 million); UNFPA (USD$42 million); RCMP (USD$27 million); ICRC (USD$17 million).
All projects analysed in this sample have been coded with gender equality markers. Out of the total disbursements toward SGBV prevention and response, USD$116 (21%) million is coded as being a gender principal project (gender marker 2); USD$269 million (49%) is coded as gender significant (gender marker 1); and USD$160 million (29%) is coded as not targeted (gender marker 0).
Methodology and Data Source
The total amount of ODA directed towards sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) prevention and response includes projects that are either entirely aimed at or partly aimed at reducing violence against women and girls.
This analysis relies on the FIAP’s definition of sexual and gender based violence. As a result, for the purposes of this analysis SGBV includes: sexual violence and physical violence towards women and girls; domestic violence; intimate-partner violence; trafficking and exploitation; child, early and forced marriage; and female genital mutilation/cutting.
First, an initial sample of data was taken from the OECD-DAC CRS projects database by filtering for projects from Canada from 2010-2016.
Second, the following keywords and phrases have been selected based on the FIAP’s definition of SGBV and include:
- TRAFFICK (to account for the words trafficked, trafficker, and trafficking)
Third, the OECD-DAC CRS Canadian project level data from 2010-2016 was searched for the above keywords and phrases. Projects that contain one or more of these keywords are included in the sample of projects that we consider to have an element of SGBV prevention or response.
Fourth, the resulting project descriptions were manually validated to ensure that the keyword selection captured projects that explicitly address SGBV. Projects that were excluded from this sample as a result of this process totaled USD101 million (16%).
Lastly, the resulting projects were analyzed using the OECD DAC’s sector, geographical, and income classification system.
There are limitations to this keyword sampling method. First, this method relies on project descriptions containing the exact keywords and phrases selected based on the FIAP’s definition of SGBV. Therefore, there could be projects that address SGBV but do not contain any of the keywords in their project’s long description and as a result would not be included in our sample. Second, project descriptions do not necessarily describe or include project outcomes. Projects that indirectly reduce GBV may not be included. Lastly, projects may be included that partially focus on targeting GBV but are not wholly focused on GBV.
The OECD DAC CRS added a new purpose code on ending violence against women and girls (15180) in 2017. Canada has yet to report projects with this purpose code and as a result this purpose code was not included in the methodology.
The resulting sample can be downloaded here (.csv). Future CIDP analysis on Canadian ODA disbursements that address GBV will be based on this data.
Further Research
CIDP has written on a proposed project to explore how GBV affects the success of women’s economic empowerment initiatives. Read about it here.
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